Tuesday, April 3, 2012 - , , , , 0 comments

Day 1

Today and tomorrow were supposed to mark a two day "capacitacion" or training for a group of 25 "brigadistas" or health volunteers (see how much Spanish you can learn when reading my posts?!). I arrived at the Hospital/Centro de Salud (they're in the same location in Jalapa) at 8, met up with my "colega" or counterpart and we waited for everyone to show up. At about 8:15 we had about 6 brigadistas show up. Fifteen minutes later about 3 more came. The bulk of the group was supposed to be coming from Managua, a 6 hour bus ride away.

...back up. I forgot to mention that we are in Semana Santa. The holy week. If they don't have the entire week off, people typically work until Wednesday and take Thursday thru Sunday off to enjoy their families, friends, and tend to do so near a body of water because it's HOT.

With that said, we probably could understand why the Manguans didn't show. At about 8:45 we said farewells to the brigadistas that DID show up (we gave them parting candies for their time) and decided to take a free day the rest of the day. We are, however, going to have another training on Sunday in which we travel to different areas where people will be for the holiday (rivers, local pools, etc.).

So I pretty much have the whole week off. Cool! I had a feeling it was going to be a slow first week in site, especially because of the holiday. I have been keeping myself busy, though!

Yesterday I went for a four mile run to test out the conditions and trails near me. I can run along side the main highway, where a lot of other women run, and it's perfectly safe. Getting there from my house is fun, though. I need to find the streets where the stray dogs DON'T come running after me so I don't have to slow down to a walk. I also learned that I need to run EARLY. At 7 in the morning it was hot and humid already; oy vey!

I've also bought some groceries (though I'm probably going to be stocking up again before the weekend). I'm becoming domesticated! I even made tortillas by myself! I'll be cooking all my own meals so I'll be helping the Dona pay for the gas I use.

Also, the electricity and water have been spotty these last two days. Yesterday and this morning, I took my first bucket baths! This morning I took it in the dark because the lights have been out all day. As a matter of fact, there WAS internet when I started this post about 5 minutes ago (6:17), and now I'm writing it offline...waiting for the electricity to come back. Let's time it and see when it comes back!

It's back! 6:24 now. Not too shabby! The water is still out, but that's ok!

That's all for now, I believe. Have a great Semana Santa (if you celebrate)!


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