Wednesday, May 1, 2013 - , , , 0 comments

The Depths of Nueva Segovia

Talk about adventure! One of the business volunteers in El Jícaro organized for some of the Segovian volunteers to go to an essentially unknown waterfall, Salto El Rosario. It was in a community called El Rosario, about 3 hours by vehicle on a dirt road from his site; so of course, I was all for it.
There are buses that go from Jalapa to El Jícaro, but not early enough that I'd be there in time, so I spent the night in a campo community, Casas Viejas, an agriculture volunteer's site. Her host family was so sweet and we stayed up all night (rather, till 8:30pm, that's bed time in the campo!) talking about corn, Jalapa and how cold it gets in Colorado (I told them it's at least 3 times as cold as Jinotega and with an astounding "¡NI QUIERE A DIOS!" ("Not even God wants that!"), they can't believe people can live there, especially with all that white stuff on the ground (which, I heard you guys just got another dusting? Happy May!).

The next morning, a group of well-known gringos showed up and after picking us and two of her counterparts up, we were off for a rough ride. The views alone made the trip worth it and before we knew it, we arrived to the waterfall.

We picnic-ed for a while, swam underneath the powerful mist and enjoyed being so secluded. After a few hours, we returned to the vehicle, made the long 3 hour ride back and settled in to have a cheeseburger cookout and dance party! 

It was a LONG day, but I'm so happy I had the opportunity to go...who knows if I would have ever gone THAT far out of the way otherwise and see that magnificent waterfall? Enjoy the pictures...and try not to be too jealous you weren't there.

On our way to the waterfall

Had to take the photo opportunity, just look where we are!

What a handsome group

The middle-of-nowhere community, El Rosario

We made it!

Starting the trek to get to our picnic site

Hiking over rocks and thru the cold water with our bags to get closer to the fall

Salto El Rosario

About to take a dip

Ginormous waterfall!

With the counterpart in the background, what a funny guy!

I had the opportunity to do the naturally I just went with it

After going underneath, so powerful!

Time for a picnic! (Bonus points if you can find me)

View on the way back

Incredible scenery

Jealous yet? :)


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